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Concealed Carry  1 is a skills and marksmanship based class. It is where we introduce holster work and is the next class to take after our Hybrid LTC or Fundamental Pistol.  The student should already have a minimum level of competency in handling a pistol.  Must have a valid LTC to take course. 

A 90% or higher on the LTC proficiency test is highly recommended to get the most out of this class.


After covering the 4 basic safety rules, we will discuss how to properly set up your carry gear.  The class begins with learning how to efficiently draw the pistol from the holster.  Whether carrying OWB at 3 o clock, IWB or AIWB, we work to make your draw stoke as efficient as possible.  You will also learn how to safely manipulate your pistol which includes learning to keep it loaded and clearing malfunctions. 

Aside from safety, our focus is always on getting your hits.  Speed and tactics go out the window when you cant hit your target.  Only hits count!!!


Class Requirements:

Each student must bring THEIR OWN carry set up

Semi-Automatic Pistol:  Bring the one you plan on carrying


Sturdy Gun Belt

Minimum of 2 magazines (3 is preferred)

200 rounds of ammunition

Eye and ear protection

Water & Food

Shooting attire for all weather conditions.


Topics Covered:

Firearms Safety

Use of Deadly Force

Presentation from High Ready

Flash Sight Picture


Malfunction Clearing

Recoil Control

Drawing From the Holster


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